Después de haber disfrutado con la lectura de "El Mapa del Tiempo" del escritor Félix J. Palma, y de haberme entretenido largo y tendido con las aventuras de Shackelton, Claire, Salomon, Murray y H. G. Wells.
Enganchada a esta peculiar manera de narrar historias, no he podido dejar e empezar "El menor espectáculo del mundo", unas ristra de fantásticas historias, peculiares, un tanto surrealistas, tiernas.
Destacar que "El Mapa del Tiempo", es una obra de ciencia ficción con un toque steampunk, imprescindible para cualquier lector/a aficionado/a o no al género fantástico.
Me ha inspirado para dibujar al personaje femenino Claire Haggerty, una señorita victoriana, que a pesar del mundo que la envuelve decide romper con los esquemas de sociedad, mostrándose atrevida y decidida, aunque ingenua.
After you have enjoyed reading "The Map of Time" written by Felix J. Palma, and entertained me at length with the adventures of Shackleton, Claire, Salomon, Murray and H. G. Wells.
Hooked to this peculiar way of telling stories, I could not stop and start "The smallest show on earth", a string of fantastic stories, quirky, somewhat surreal, tender.
Note that "The Map of Time" is a work of science fiction with a steampunk twist, a must for any reader hobbyist or not the fantasy genre.
I was inspired to draw the female character Claire Haggerty, a Victorian lady, that despite the world that surrounds it decides to break the mold of society, showing bold and resolute, even naive.
Hooked to this peculiar way of telling stories, I could not stop and start "The smallest show on earth", a string of fantastic stories, quirky, somewhat surreal, tender.
Note that "The Map of Time" is a work of science fiction with a steampunk twist, a must for any reader hobbyist or not the fantasy genre.
I was inspired to draw the female character Claire Haggerty, a Victorian lady, that despite the world that surrounds it decides to break the mold of society, showing bold and resolute, even naive.
Claire Haggerty
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