viernes, 26 de julio de 2013
sábado, 13 de julio de 2013
viernes, 12 de julio de 2013
Dues versions. Two versions
Em van demanar fer un pòster, i aquí teniu el resultat, un pòster dues versions.
I was asked to do a poster, and here is the result,one poster, two versions.
I was asked to do a poster, and here is the result,one poster, two versions.
jueves, 11 de julio de 2013
El retorn de Kick-Ass. The return of Kick-Ass
El 16 d'agost s'entrena la segona part d'aquesta peculiar pel.lícula, si més no els seus protagonistes, aquest patètic superheroi en Kick-Ass i la seva companya la Hitgirl, tot plegat fa que t'inspiris i t'entrin ganes de caracterirtzar-los. Aquí els teniu.
On August 16, trains the second part of this particular movie, if only the protagonists, this pathetic superhero in Kick-Ass and his companion Hitgirl, all makes and inspires t 'caracterirtzar them want to come. Here you are.
miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013
Feliç aniversari Sr. Tesla. Happy Birhtday Mr. Tesla
Aquí el teniu, el dia del seu aniversari, no podia deixar de retre
homenatge a Nikola Tesla, com ho van fer a The Prestige (2006), en el
paper de Nikola el camaleònic David Bowie, i la pel · lícula búlgara
Tajna Nikole Tesle de any 1980.
Here you have it, on the day of his birthday we could not help but pay tribute to Nikola Tesla, like they did in The Prestige (2006), in the role of Nikola the chameleonic David Bowie, and the Bulgarian film Tajna Nikole Tesle of year 1980.
Here you have it, on the day of his birthday we could not help but pay tribute to Nikola Tesla, like they did in The Prestige (2006), in the role of Nikola the chameleonic David Bowie, and the Bulgarian film Tajna Nikole Tesle of year 1980.
domingo, 7 de julio de 2013
viernes, 5 de julio de 2013
Somnis de gats. Dreams of cats
Aquí teniu la meva petita i primera història de gats, la meva gran font d'inspiració.
Es titula "Somnis de gats", són 9 pàgines i aquí us penjaré la resta seguiu l'enllaç.
Here is the first story and my little cat, my great inspiration.
It is entitled "Dreams of cats," and here we are 9 pages hang the cover ........... the rest follow the link.
Es titula "Somnis de gats", són 9 pàgines i aquí us penjaré la resta seguiu l'enllaç.
Here is the first story and my little cat, my great inspiration.
It is entitled "Dreams of cats," and here we are 9 pages hang the cover ........... the rest follow the link.
jueves, 4 de julio de 2013
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